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Youth Exchanges

Introduction Erasmus+ projects are not just for students, there is a wide range of opportunities, and, one of them, are short-term projects that are available for young people from 13 to 30 years old, but there are some exceptions, and… Read More »Youth Exchanges

ESC Volunteering

Introduction The European Solidarity Corps is a recent program that replaced the European Voluntary Service and, in addition to including volunteer opportunities, it also offers paid internships and job opportunities at national and international levels. The quality of the projects… Read More »ESC Volunteering


Are you 18 years old and a legal resident of one of the EU Member States or third countries associated to Erasmus+? Get ready to explore Europe! DiscoverEU is proud to be part of the Erasmus+ Programme family! What is… Read More »DiscoverEU

Erasmus+ Internships

Introduction Erasmus+ internships are part of the mobility opportunities offered by universities and aim to allow students to have international experience in a practical work context. There is the possibility of doing 12 months abroad through in Erasmus+ for each… Read More »Erasmus+ Internships