Association member
Since 2020 I am a full-time freelance, working with organizations, people, and local structures on developing their international youth work in general or specific projects in this field.
As a freelancer, I have worked with various organizations including:
International Exchanges and Training
– OFAJ: youth leader for Hundred Years of WW1 – Hundred Ideas for Peace; (Nov 18)
– street football world: Training about women’s rights and women’s empowerment in Lebanon (Dec 2020)
– HochDrei: German-French and German-Bulgarian exchange programs on inclusion and discrimination (since 2021)
– Discover Football: co-organizer of an international football festival for women from the WANA region; facilitator for workshops for girls in Lebanon (May and Aug 2021)
Media Seminars
– Champions without Borders: Film and photography seminars (Aug-Dec 18)
– DGB Jobs Flecken Zechlin: Film, photo, photo comic, and digital storytelling seminars with young people who recently migrated to Germany (2020-21)
– Adopt a Revolution: Storytelling workshop (Aug 2020)
Mediations and training for peer-mediators
– Conflict change (since 2020)
– ZoffOff (since 2021)
Political-historical education
– Miphgasch: Workshops for students about Refuge and Asylum; Racism and Discrimination; the three monotheistic religions; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (since 2020)
– Gesichtzeigen: Workshops in conjunction with an exhibition on how youths experienced
National Socialism (2020-2021)
– Zeitwerk/LJR Brandenburg: workshops on historical methods; history workshops about life behind the Berlin Wall (2021-2022)
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